Archery Imports is a nation-wide supplier of archery products at competitive prices.

About Us

Archery Imports was established in 1988. Current owners Colin and Anne Teasdale bought the business in August 2007.  Prior to this, Colin and son Shaun had been regular visitors at Archery Imports as their interest in shooting form and the technical aspects of archery grew.  

When the previous owners decided to retire, Colin and Anne took the opportunity to take over the company. Colin and Shaun both became active in archery in 2002, through Auckland’s Massey Archery Club.  They were instantly hooked and Shaun is now one of New Zealand’s top compound shooters. Today, Colin and Shaun manage the day-to-day running of Archery Imports.  

Archery Imports is a nation-wide supplier of archery products at competitive prices. Unlike other suppliers, we cater for all types of archery – bowhunting, target, field and traditional.  We cover the entire spectrum of archery needs, from bows and arrows to targets, quivers, arrow accessories, strings & cables, finger tabs, arm & chest guards, sights & scopes, rests, plungers, stabilisers, triggers, bowcases, bags and much more. We are exclusive New Zealand distributors and dealers for many products and the variety and quality of our range is unsurpassed.

We provide a full support, repair, maintenance and tuning service on all our products.  Our workshop facilities are the best in the country.

Our Postal address is:

7 Weka Street


Rotorua 3015